Monday, June 29, 2009

Food processing opportunities

In today's global bear market, there are two economies- India and China who are inspite of everything continuing to grow at a reasonable pace. India is a domestic growth story. With a billion plus people it affords huge opportunity in every business segment. Unutilized capability in North America and Europe can be gainfully deployed in business ventures in these countries. We believe if projects are jointly conceptualized with talent that is drawn from across the globe, a win win model can be developed. 
Food processing is still in a nascent stage in India and there is opportunity for new products, technology, business processes and systems. 
With demand not being a constraint in this market, the challenge is to conceptualize the right project for this market. 
As a risk mitigation measure, a multi country business is always better than a single country business. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Integrated Healthcare Development Project

This is the second of the global collaboration projects which has moved ahead with the help and collaboration of partners across the globe. SAC and Clinical Research Partners USA are collaborating to create a series of IHDP clinics in multiple cities and countries. While CRP USA is bringing the technical knowledge on the table SAC is using its business and management capability alongwith its global network to convert an idea into a business. We are also coordinating to bring in financial capital critical to a business.

IHDP implementation happens in collaboration with hospitals who provide clinical advice to chronic diabetes, cardiac and other life long ailments. We provide the day to day healthcare support critical to enable patients to live a normal life. 

Our business plans are ready, we are working to identify hospitals with whom we can build the partnership and move the project forward.

I invite innovative business ideas and owners of such ideas who are seeking to move these from the laboratory to the field to connect with us and let us work together to take these to the people.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Strategic alliances with higher education institutions

Most higher education institutions in North America and Europe are cash strapped. A lot of them work hard to attract foreign students for study. The revenues from these students helps balance the balance sheet substantially. The situation has become more difficult in the global recessionary market. 
A new government has just taken over in India. There is an increasing realization that if growth has to continue in India, more institutions providing quality higher education will be required. Higher education institutions include engineering, management and skill providing institutions. 

Early trends indicate that there is a strong likelihood that the higher education sector in India will be opened to foreign institutions. This is a huge business opportunity in a global recessionary market. Joint ventures, strategic alliances and greenfield projects all can take advantage of this opportunity. We in SAC can help you.