Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Increasing business footprint

Most corporates realize that business does not look up in spite of making investments in building a large sales force that knocks repeatedly on customer doors to sell products. We do not get the expected results because the business strategy, the offering be it a service or a product, the marketing pitch are not aligned to each other.
Some invest into consultants to help them identify problems, opportunities and help re-structure business.

The solution perhaps in having a highly experienced broad spectrum business advisor who can help refine business strategy on the one hand, position the offering, deploy their network of contacts and deliver results. But most such people are sitting on company boards and are not willing to invest time for others.

In today's age of specialization where experts have built skills in niche areas like re-structuring, financial management, process specialists, visioning, business strategy etc etc. getting broad spectrum macro business advisors is the challenge.

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