Monday, January 7, 2013

Brand building for mid sized companies and startups

Brand building is at the heart of expanding a corporate business. More often than not companies look to only business growth to increase top and bottom line.

Focus only on top and bottom line often leads to managers seeking to cut corners to improve project profitability. This opportunistic model of growing a business rarely leads to long term and sustained growth.

Brand building is all about building customer trust. Trust generates repeat business. Companies that feel for their customers and go the extra mile are able to win customer trust and build their brand.

Brand building entails taking a company's value system to the market. If the company ethos is to make a fast buck this will rarely lead to building the brand. Often company's seek brokers to fix deals for them. Word travels and impacts the brand leading a company to either stagnation or downward growth path.

Company vision and ethos are not just holy statements that are put out on the front page of a company web site but it is a window to the entrepreneur's thinking.

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