Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Business expansion- New market entry

This blog is for Indian companies seeking to enter a new market segment and/ foreign companies intending to enter into India.

Before entering a new market segment, new business area or a new market a competition, business climate, legal and financial scenario analysis is necessary. Most companies take the services of a consulting firm that undertakes the market research, works out possible business scenario and analyses prospects.
The analyses could throw up policy, operational, capability and financial weaknesses that prevent or impede successful entry. Solutions aimed at overcoming each of the listed weaknesses have to be worked out and action taken before the decision to make an investment into entering a new market is made.
Often strategic alliances to smoothen entry and reduce entry barriers are good options. The consultant can identify and bring to the table an appropriate strategic partner. This is followed by business due diligence and other deal making steps.
Policy bottlenecks work arounds often require advocacy within and without the government. This job in India, unlike the developed parts of the country, is done by individuals with network and connect. Public relations firms are used once the environment for policy change has been created. It is important that advocacy efforts are done with care, caution and ethically. Brand impact can be huge in case this aspect is mishandled.
Tomorrow's blog will be for major industries and infrastructure players and the focus will be on ecology and forest clearance issues ongoing debate

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